Company Profile

Scope Engineering is a company specialized in infrastructure design for mobile communications, design in civil engineering and mechanical equipment.

The company started its activity in order to offer clients flexible solutions and quality works and to ensure that the Client is provided with the best quality - price ratio.

Products and Services

Scope Engineering provides a wide range of services and design products flexibly adapted to various customer requirements including:

Scope Engineering works together with experts and certified MLPAT project verifiers to ensure the delivery of complete designs and to ensure their quality as well as in terms of technical solutions as well as appearance.

Scope Engineering provides technical support after design, namely, can work with manufacturers and field teams to ensure the smooth operation of the works and, if necessary, issues plant and site dispositions for assistance. All this is done to reduce production costs and installation costs of the final Client.

Bucuresti, Ale. Fizicienilor, Nr. 8, sector 3
Tel: 0722.571.060 / 0766.592.934